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Never go off-roading on an empty stomach.
If there’s one place you’ll not expect to find a Lamborghini owner, it's out in the outback off-roading. Well, Chris Steinbacher from B is for Build is on to something that’ll finally get them off-roading in the sand dunes and wadding through swamps—an off-road Lamborghini Huracan, the ‘Jumpacan.’
“In this episode, we test-drive the Jumpacan for the first time. We’ve got a few things to button up, got a few things to fabricate and build. It’s going to be a late-night, and then tomorrow, we drive,” Steinbacher said.
Steinbacher just uploaded a video on his YouTube channel, of his first ride, on a rare modified off-road Lamborghini Huracan.
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Before the test drive the next day, they had to finish off some work on the Jumpacan. First, they had to get started on the exhaust. There was a bit of welding, modification, and mounting before it was ready for the street.
“It’s the next day, and it’s the last day, so it’s gonna be a long one. We haven’t even driven this thing yet and, it only has one wheel on it at this point. We have to have both of them done by tomorrow,” he explained.
Related: Watch This Insane Off-Road Lambo Huracan Fired Up For The First Time
They realized they had an engineering problem with their cooling system. Also, the off-road Huracan catch-can was overfilling when they filled their Mishimoto radiator, which is not ideal. Therefore, they had to change the steam line to one system and the overfill and catch-can on another system. Steinbacher also needed to complete work on the clutch bracket support that wasn’t ready.
They also do a heat test cycle before it’s finally ready to hit the road. Steinbacher notes that the car runs fine. They are a little low on fuel pressure, so they need to adjust the regulator, the idle is also a little bit high, and the power steering had some issues. They fix the problems, and it’s ready to hit the streets.
Steinbacher drives to a parking lot where they plan to do the test. He notices a few strange sounds driving down the street. After five feet of testing, they realize something was scraping on the rotors. The Brake caliper bolts were grinding on the rotor.
They fix that and do a few more runs before they hit another snag. Their camera memory card gets full. They have to cut the test short to get another one, but not before they stop at their local Carl’s Jr. Fast Food Drive-Thru.
When Steinbacher gets to Carl’s Jr., they realize they have a cooling issue, and they have to cut the test short again. Nevertheless, the off-road Lamborghini Huracan test was a success. Even though they didn’t get to test it thoroughly, it still drove to and from the test site. To many, that’s a win.
“Seeing it drive around game me some serious tumbler from Batman vibes. It must have been an incredible feeling driving it after building it for so long,” a fan commented on the comment section.
In love with JDMs.Specialize in Restomod projects, barn finds and swaps. Hotcars contributor since 2017.