With just more than a month until the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) annual International Roadcheck, Commercial Carrier Journal (CCJ) – a sister publication of Overdrive and Trucks, Parts, Service – has released its updated Air Brake Book.
First published in 1988, the book serves as a complete, up-to-date reference on heavy vehicle air brake systems. It is currently in its 11th edition.
The book is available as a free download here.
Authored and updated by CCJ, Overdrive and Trucks, Parts, Service staff, the new edition covers 10 chapters, including full-color illustrations and diagrams; updated brake-related Recommended Practices from the American Trucking Associations' Technology and Maintenance Council; and updated out of service criteria from CVSA.
• Chapter 1: Brake friction material goes greener: Friction material undergoes an EPA-friendly change.
• Chapter 2: Air brake system anatomy: Understanding the components of a commercial vehicle air brake system is crucial to diagnosing and repairing complex brake problems.
• Chapter 3: Safer disc brakes can help with driver retention, experts say: When weighing the pros and cons of drum and air disc brakes, experts point to several factors but perhaps now more importantly than ever is driver preference.
• TMC RP 652 – Service and inspection of air disc brakes.
• Chapter 4: Defining the driver’s role in brake maintenance: While brakes can fail or fall out of compliance at any given time, a proper and thorough pre-trip inspection is a fleet’s first line of defense.
• Chapter 5: Step-by-step air brake inspection: A strong preventive maintenance program and frequent, thorough air brake inspection practices can lower the risk of brake failure and out-of-service orders.
• TMC RP 619B – Air system inspection procedure.
• CVSA brake OOS criteria – The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has identified the most critical safety violations involving brakes (to purchase detailed criteria, contact CVSA at cvsa.org). Plus, CVSA’s Air Brake Pushrod Stroke guidelines and CSA brake-related violation severity weight information.
• Chapter 6: Brake adjustment a Top 5 truck out of service violation thanks to misdiagnosis and improper shop practices: Despite years of warnings, automatic slack adjusters (ASA) continue to be manually adjusted by technicians who may not know any better.
• TMC RP 609C – Self-adjusting and manual brake adjuster removal, installation and maintenance.
• Chapter 7: Selecting the right brake lining: Spec’ing the appropriate brake linings is key to optimizing brake performance and lowering maintenance costs.
• TMC RP 628C – Aftermarket brake lining classification.
• Chapter 8: Brake relining and restoration: Taking time to thoroughly inspect and repair brake components when relining brakes can save money in the long run.
• Chapter 9: Caliper stuck?: Uneven or accelerated pad wear can be caused by a defective caliper.
• Chapter 10: Troubleshooting brake imbalance: Diagnosing and correcting brake imbalance issues is critical for vehicle performance and safety over the road.